30 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba



In Atlantic there is a spot which takes many lives mysteriously. For years many ships and planes bury under the see oddly. Every one of us knows this place’s name. This place name is The Bermuda Triangle. We call it with its Turkish name Bermuda Şeytan Üçegeni. This spot is responsible for many deaths. Everybody has different ideas about this spot. Some of them reasonable but some others are full of foolishness. One of them is; in this spot water is too hot for the ship and ship burns. The other is there is extraterrestrial beings under this spot and they kidnapping people for their “cosmic zoos”.  We should not blame this ideas because when we think about past time’s technology it is too hard to explain what is going on. Because of they think this event is extraordinary. These days’ technology makes some searches possible and finally scientists find what is going on this spot. They find that natural gas is responsible for all of the deaths. Yes, it is just natural gas which is found under the see. When the gas squirts out of the ocean it declines water’s lifting force. If there is a ship, when this come occurrence the ship sinks. It is the same for planes. This gas can declines oxygen amount. Plane’s engines do not work without enough oxygen amounts, so planes fall down. When this is over there is no trace. This event pushes people thinking there are some extraordinary things just under there for long years. 

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