30 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba



I think the latest slogan of METU is a very good slogan. The slogan is “I brain METU”. I find this slogan charming. Also this slogan affects students who graduated from Hight School. The slogan reflects some sides of METU, because METU students think, they ask questions. METU student are succesful. When we think this way the slogan is very good. Apart from these I watch a new video film about METU. This film made by METU students. The film’s slogan is “no brain METU”. The film criticizes bad sides of METU. They say that METU can be a succesful university but it has many lacks. They say that METU does not respond student’s needs. Our university limits students. They cannot express their feeling freely. METU raises the prices of foods and dormitories every year. When I think about METU it seems a perfect university. There is just one thing that I complain about. It is prices of food. I am new here because of this maybe I cannot see negative sides of METU. I think that even if METU has some negative sides it is still the best university of Turkey. I am so glad to be here. If I say a slogan for METU, it will be “METU is a different world”. The reason why I say this, METU is different from other universities with many aspects. Our university has many useful serves. One of them is student communities.  These communities are very funny and improve students. They make different and beneficial organizations. METU gives its students very good education and has expert educators. We live in a very good campus and this is important to. Some universities do not have a campus. METU is a different world and I love living in this world.


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