13 Haziran 2013 Perşembe


          What do you think about the serials in our country? Are they too much or too long? Are they quality enough? While you are watching them are you boring?
          Some says that serials in our country are too much. There can be much more different programmes instead of these serials. In my opinion our serials is not too much. If they were too much, they would not be too long. One serial takes two hours and when we add it its summary part; one serial is almost three hours. Three hour for just a serial is not that too much? Also our serials are shown again and again. Sometimes they are shown more than twice a week. Yes there must be different things than three hours serials. We can make more serials or some other different programmes. By this way we do not have to watch same thing again and again.
          In our country there is another problem with our serials. Like I said before our serials is too long and this could be boring. Actions in one serial improve slowly. For example; one character is going to say something they are look each other so long that to say just one sentence they need ten minutes. They tell us same story at least three episodes. There is something else of course. I am sure every one of us hates advertisements. Our serials cannot be shown without ten minutes advertisement every twenty minute. There are so much commercial that almost half of the serial is full of commercials.
          Except from these problems what are you thinking, our serials really quality enough? I think they do not. They have always the same story. There is a person or family; they have terrible experiences over and over just like they are cursed. Beside that there are lovers and someone who tries to break up them. They have bad experiences too. To sum up there are always same thing. They change story a little, they change characters and they show the same thing under different name. Recently, historical serials came to appearance. They have no difference from other. They have same story also they change historical truths to make them proper for the serial.
          We do not have so much television programmes or serials; we have always same things. To develop our television sector we need to make short but lots of serials. We need to make true historical serials. Also we have to develop ourselves other television programmes like comedy shows, competition shows, documentaries. We need to have quality television programmes to waste our time a little more beneficially.


1 yorum:

  1. Dear Seda,
    I agree with you. Our television sector really needs to be improved. In your writing, I came across some punctuation mistakes such as putting a comma instead of a full-stop. Also, I have a suggestion for you. I think you could use 'series' instead of 'serial.' It is more widespread. I did not know 'serial', but I learnt it now. Thank you for your lovely writing. :)
