13 Haziran 2013 Perşembe


Friendship is a really important thing in our age. All of us have female and male friends. However, friendship between male and female is a little bit controversial. Some claims that male and female cannot be friend, because in cross-sex friendships emotions and sexual tension are raised.
In my opinion there is no such thing that man and women cannot be friend. They can have a good friendship as normal as same sexes have. Of course girls can be more comfortable and sincere with their girlfriends. But this is not always in case. Some people, male or female, can make friends in different sexes and feel more open and honest. They share their ideas, emotions. Their thoughts about word can be same and they can be happy spent time with each other. All these things are not mean they feel something to each other. They can date or love somebody else bur they can still be best friends. There can be some exceptions. Some emotional relationships begin between friends. In my opinion this feelings are about just their personality. Ideas and feelings are change person to person. You can fell in love your male or female friend but this fact is not a universal truth and somebody could not say “man and women cannot be friend” just by looking some examples. There are too many people that keep their relationships as friends.
Also there are too many benefits of cross-sex friendships. One of them different sexes can learn each other thoughts feelings and can understand the other sex more easily. They can acquire different aspects. For example; they can get some advices about boys or girls from each other. Knowing different ideas and aspects about world is always good and very beneficial thing and a cross-sex friendship make easier this.
To sum up a male and a female can always be friend and can maintain their friendship without any sexual or emotional things. Male and female are not created just to be lovers they can always be friends with each other.

                                                                                              SEDA AĞIRBAŞ

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