11 Mart 2013 Pazartesi



There are many beautiful cities in the world. Some of them have magnificent skyscrapers and have very beautiful and organized configuration. In these cities there are a lot of thing to do. Everybody is in a hurry. On the other hand, some of the cities have natural beauty. In such cities there is no rush but you can be sure if you want there are so many things to do. One of them and my favourite is my city. This city hides its beauty behind the mountains. Actually the city is beautiful thanks to its mountains. One part of the city is full of green forest and when you go the other part you can hear waves of Black See. When you go higher places it feels like that you can touch the stars. Yes my city is so close to the sky that first raindrop falls here. I am talking about Artvin. For some people living in Artvin is challenging. They say that there is nothing to do in this city. Even to go somewhere to another place is problem. They are right because everywhere is mountain and our roads are full off turns. If this is your first time in Artvin your stomach gets sick. J Also distance between districts is much. Living in Artvin is boring for people who live rush city life. Developed cities have many opportunities that Artvin has not. If you do not like natural life you will not love Artvin. In this city foxes or wolves can visit your neighbourhood at nights. If you are in village beside the foxes or wolves you can visited by bears and boars. They are trying to steal your potatoes so you should be aware of such things and you have to be cold-blooded. If you live nature and if you say I can take care all of these problems and you want to rest yourself head this is your place. You can do many things. We have a very clean see if you love swimming. Almost everywhere is picnic area so you can go wherever you want. You can go Kafkasör upland and you can drink cold spring water. Also you can see Artvin at the top. I assure you that you cannot forget the scene you see. Even if you are not thinking about lives in Artvin you should go and see this place. You can be sure that there is much more scenic beauty that I cannot write about them.                                 

                                                                                                                      SEDA AĞIRBAŞ