31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

27 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi



              JOURNAL ENTRY 4

      I think the latest slogan of METU is very good. The slogan “I brain METU” charming students who graduate from hight school. The slogan reflects some sides of METU. Because METU students are think. METU students ask questions. METU students are succesful. When we think this way the slogan is very good.

But I watch a new film about METU made by METU students. The films slogan is “no brain METU”. They critisize bad sides of METU. They say that METU maybe a succesful university but  there is many lacks of METU. They say that METU doesn’t answer students needs. Our university limits students. METU students can’t express their feelings freely. The students say that METU rises the prices of foods and dormitories every year.

When I think about METU it seems a perfect university. There is just one think I complain about. It is prices of food. There is no other think. But I am new here. There is not even one year. Because of this maybe I can’t see negative sides of METU. But I think METU is the best university in Turkey. And I am so glad to be here.

 If I say a slogan for METU it is absoulately be “METU is a different world”. Because METU different from other universities with many aspects. Our university has many useful serves , student communitites which very funny and improve students. This communities make different and beneficial organizations. Has good education and educators. we live in a very good campus and this is important. Some universities even has not a campus.

METU is a different world and I love living in this world.

                                                                                                  SEDA AĞIRBAŞ

17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba


           JOURNAL ENTRY 3

For everyone , university , graduate from a universiy an important concept. Everyone wants to be succesful , wants to go hight school and to go a good university is a part of everyone’s dreams.

In my opinion a university has to contain some necessary faeture to be a good university. First off all I think good universities have good and contemporary educators. They must improve themselves. Also campus is important for me. Campus is just like students home because if they staying in dormitory they spend almost all days in compus. Campus should has greeen areas , trees , good and useful buildings. Also the student communities in university is important. This communities should have free atmosphere. Students in this communities should be open –minded. Educators and administrators should give support this student communities.

 For students who come to university from out of the city accommodation is could be a big problem. For this problems university should provide students enough dormitory. Maybe there is something that I forgot to write but roughly if a university contain these qualities  the university for me is good. And METU has all of these qualities. It has dormitories , new and useful buildings contemporary students and educators. To study in METU is a privilage.



Being a METU student for me is a great  thing. Because this university is my dream. I always want to be here. My dreams came true and here  I am.

. Thanks to the ring I can go faculty without tire and Being a METU student is  a privilege. There is no other university campus just like ours. In here you can find everything. For example we have a hairdresser , tailor , banks , market. Also our campus is very big. This can be hard for us sometimes because it takes too much time to go somewhere. But we have buses. We call them as “ring”s. They are very useful. I am staying in first dormitory and for me to go faculty is a big problem without pay. Because the rings are free. I thing it is a big serve to us. 

There is of course some challenges. Firs of all get  know here take time. When I came here for the first  time I did not know any place and I have difficulty find some place. Even now I fail keeping  in mind some place. The other challenge for me eating is expensive. We can not eating in refectory at the weekands and eating outside even in canteen is expensive.

Apart from these the biggest challenge is the distance. my hometown is seventeen hours away from here. So I can not go my home whenever I want. ı miss my mother , my father , my sister , I miss my home , I miss my city (no matter how small it is J).

But I tell myself if I achieve come here I can overcome all this challenges. Over time I will get used to. When I get used to this challenges maybe get easier.


4 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

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